Have any questions? vincent@sagalytics.com


Quantitative research

We are able to conduct any quantitative research using the latest research methodologies, techniques and modelling. We always ensure to maximize our confidence in results and optimize certainty about any question our clients would like have answered.

Qualitative research

Sometimes it is more adequate to conduct a qualitative research rather a quantitative one. Our services offer a wide range of options, including focus groups, one to one qualitative interviews and others to ensure that one analyses the performance of any product or perception insightfully to gain market advantage.

Market research (surveys) and Social research

We conduct scientific research surveys covering issues of marketing, business, social and economic nature. These research projects provide scientific insights within the environment under focus. These insights give deeper knowledge on opinions, perceptions, aspirations and expectations.


Past sales data can be a very valuable resource. By determining trends in the data and using that information you can be able to extrapolate what could happen in the future. This is a tool which can also be used in other areas of the organisation or business.

Medical Statistics & Clinical trials

One of the fastest growing areas in our industry, our team of highly skilled and qualified professionals is involved in international research. We offer medical statistics to health authorities, institutions, pharmaceutical companies and other health related bodies to provide early warning techniques to ensure our clients are provided with a predictive picture to help you to them plan any health strategies. When discussing medical statistics one cannot ignore Clinical trials. With the new viruses, diseases, cancers and any other sort of infections, Clinical trials are of extreme importance to test new medicine and new interventions. Our team offers extremely highly qualified consultancy to conduct any related research.

Experimental designs

Any research which is not mentioned here can be designed according to our client’s needs. We have a lot of experience to design new experiments and create new techniques to be adopted purposely according to the questions asked by our clients. Never say it’s impossible! We are here to offer solutions and to predict, understand and present pictures which you are not necessarily aware of immediately.