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What’s new

MUT Conference

  • Posted by S@gW0rPr3@dm1n
  • On June 8, 2019
MUT not happy on the way educational system is analyzed eachers’ Union, MUT, is not happy that the education system is being analyzed by international studies and its opinion is that the country should take a decision whether to continue participating in these studies in which, year after year, show that Maltese students are below […]
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England or Italy?

  • Posted by S@gW0rPr3@dm1n
  • On June 8, 2019
England or Italy? Which team has the biggest support base in Malta? When it comes to football, many Maltese are keen followers of the national teams of other countries. The most popular are England and Italy. England supporters had a field day in the recent World Cup, with their favourite team continuing to advance from […]
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97% of Maltese followed World Cup matches

  • Posted by S@gW0rPr3@dm1n
  • On June 8, 2019
97% of Maltese followed World Cup matches on TVM and TVM2 Three-fourths of the Maltese population followed the World Cup and almost all of them saw the matches on TVM and TVM2. These figures emerged after a scientific study commissioned by PBS and carried out by Dr Vincent Marmarà, a statistician and lecturer at Malta […]
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Sick Leave when offsprings are sick

  • Posted by S@gW0rPr3@dm1n
  • On June 8, 2019
Legislative preparations for parents to be availed of Sick Leave when offsprings are sick Research quoted by the Principal Permanent Secretary Mario Cutajar shows that Public Sector employees take just one day of Sick Leave more than Private Sector employees annually. These statistics do not concur with the contention previously made by the Malta Employers’ […]
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First BI Event by Sagalytics

  • Posted by S@gW0rPr3@dm1n
  • On March 24, 2016
Data to Information – Information to Profit Business Intelligence is playing a key role in modern business and is considered central to identifying new opportunities within an organisation. Making use of new opportunities and implementing an effective strategy can provide a competitive market advantage and long-term stability for a business. Using Business Intelligence theories, methodologies, […]
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Statistician figures out epidemics risk

  • Posted by S@gW0rPr3@dm1n
  • On January 21, 2015
A Maltese mathematician mapped out the way swine flu spread across the island in 2009 and 2010 and came up with a set of models that can help predict the outbreak of future epidemics. The models, based on four data sets, allow for an early warning of an oncoming epidemic and for the prediction of […]
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